March 8th, 2015. International Women's Day | I am a girl and I love it...
Despite all of the gender indifferences, inequalities and insensitivities present in this busy and extraordinary world we live in today, in honour of "International Women's Day", I decided to celebrate by telling the world how wonderful it is to be female and how much I love being a twenty year old girl, or as the world refers to it, a "basic white girl."
I love the colour pink, I love painting my nails, I love fall and wearing leggings with oversized sweaters and brown ankle Ugg boots to go with them. I adore Starbucks on a cold winter's day and I too guiltily enjoy 'instagraming' my drink with my name written upon my cup, most likely incorrect to how I spell it (and yes I order a Pumpkin Spice Late as soon as they are available!) I am not too fond of working out at the gym, but when I do I'll be sure to tweet about it so everyone knows I am. Of course I watch Pretty Little Liars every Tuesday at 8PM.. and there's no doubt about it I continuously complain about the longevity of the secret identity of 'A' (but I obviously NEVER want it to end.) I own endless amounts of Victoria's Secret and Pink workout clothes, because they say Angels on the bum and my leg inspiration is Alessandra Ambrosio. I can quote any scene of Mean Girls at any time, any place and I am sure to post on social media EVERY October 3rd. I have a tumblr and a pinterest account where I repost inspirational quotes about life and reblog my favourite scenes from Friends.
I worry about my make-up, hair and outfit daily and when I look my best I post an 'outfit of the day' picture with the hashtag #OOTD. And yes, from time to time I "can't", I "literally can't" and on a rare occasion, I "literally can't even." I am obsessed with having perfect eyebrows and my day is made when someone comments on my photo with "eyebrows" followed by the 'okay' hand sign emoji. I own way too many red lipsticks but continue to buy more because I certainly don't have this shade of scarlet red! I enjoy baking and most importantly photographing my finished products so everyone can see how cute I decorated my cupcakes. I use the world 'did' following 'hair' or 'nails' to let everyone know what changes I've made to myself that day. I have an obsession with Netflix and I'd much rather spend a date binge watching a show in my PJs with pizza than going out to a restaurant. I take thousands of selfies and spend hours choosing the perfect filter that will make me look the best until I finally post one to Instagram. I use the phrase "oh my God stoooop" when something is funny, the phrase "I can't breathe" when something is really funny and when something is exceptionally hilarious, my response is "dead." I will most likely comment with "classic" if you tell me a clever story. If you tell me something I can relate to, I will tell you that that's the "story of my life." And there's no doubt that I'll be in my bikini, on a lounge chair on the first day of summer with my headphones in, "getting my tan on" which quickly turns into the worst burn ever!
I am not ashamed to say that I do all of these things, and while they used to be a way for us girls to bond over, they are now considered the typical "basic white girl rituals" to society. Who cares if I want everyone to know I'm at the gym? Who cares if love my daily Starbucks coffee and enjoy posting about it? Who cares if I take the time to make sure my appearance is to my standards and will give me confidence?
We are bombarded with speeches and lectures on television, the radio and films about the importance of being yourself. The importance of being confident, strong and the ability to express ourselves. The habits above don't make me typical. They don't make me ordinary, similar or the same as every other girl that enjoys the same things as me. I have a voice, I have a mind, I have hands that have the ability to do extraordinary things. I can press 'post' on my Facebook page, but I can also help a friend in a time of need. I can memorize Kevin Gnapoor's 'Kevin G' rap, but I can also memorize the steps of CPR to save a life. I can use my flat iron to give myself perfect beachy waves, but I can also use my pen to vote for equality. I can bake the most delicious Christmas cookies in festive Santa and snowflake shapes, but I can also feed the hungry. I can take pictures of my puppy dressed up in cute little doggy outfits, but I can also raise a family. I can be inspired by the bodies of Victoria's Secret Angels but I can inspire the world with my strong voice.
If those "basic white girl" things make me a "typical girl" then so be it. I am more than my habits, likes and dislikes. I am more than my clothing choices and the brands that I wear. I am more than my Pumpkin Spice Late with extra foam topped with cinnamon. I am a women, I am a female, I am a girl, and I love it.