Happy Valentine's Day my fellow readers! Last year I counted down my choice top ten hottest men in honour of Valentine's Day, so I shall keep the tradition going by counting down my updated list of hunky hotties! You are welcome...
10 Dylan O'Brien
Age: 23
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Status: Single
I have loved Dylan O'brien since his Teen Wolf beginnings as the goofy, clumsy and hilarious side kick, 'Stiles Stilinski.' It also helps that he is obsessed with Selena Gomez and I am obsessed with Selena Gomez.. so if we ever date there's our ice breaker.. am I right? He seems to be single at the moment so grab him while he's available ladies!
9 Ansel Elgort
Age: 20
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Status: Taken
Who doesn't think Ansel Elgort is adorable? As Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars you fell in love with his "metaphorical smoking ways", puppy dog eyes and smile. He broke our hearts in the end, made us fall head over heals for the fictional character.. and Ansel himself of course. He just got back together with his girlfriend so hold off on this one ladies (all though his girlfriend and him are so cute together!)
8 Channing Tatum
Age: 34
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Status: Married
Channing Tatum is the perfect guy because he can dance, act, (comedy, action, romance, drama - you name it) and apparently cook us the sexiest eggs on this planet! I love a guy who can make me a scrumptious over-easy with a side of toast breakfast! The trailer for Magic Mike XXL just came out and I could not tell you what the main plot of the film is... but Channing Tatum is in it.. SUN'S OUT GUN'S OUT!
7 Shia Labeouf
Age: 28
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Status: Taken
I've had a serious crush on Shia since his Even Stevens days as the mischievous Louis Stevens who always liked to bug Ren. Then I loved him even more when he was in my first ever scary movie I watched, Disturbia which I could not sleep for days after I saw.. He may have his weird 'Joaquin Phoenix' moments but he's an artistic genius with a good looking face/body and that's works for me. I was notified that he was dating a model.. until I get a name he's still fair game, okay?
6 Evan Peters
Age: 28
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Status: Engaged
If you are an American Horror Story fan you'll understand why this guy is such a heartthrob. Whether he's Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer or most recently Jimmy Darling, this guy captures your heart. Here's a little fun fact: he was in the movie Sleepover with Alexa Vega (from Spy Kids.) He played Russell, the one obsessed with the picture of himself in a coma.. MIND BLOWN or what? Unfortunately he is engaged to co-star Emma Roberts but the vows haven't been said yet so nothing's OFFICIAL... Game on, Emma. Game on.
5 Harry Styles
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Status: Single
4 Travis Fimmel
Age: 35
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Status: Single
If you've never seen the show Vikings then go on Netflix right now and watch the first two seasons before the third one starts (on History channel: February 19th at 10pm.) Travis Fimmel will make you wish you lived in the vikings era. You won't even be bothered that showers were scarce, there was no cutlery and most likely no toothpaste.. Who cares, look at that Aussie smile! All Hail King Ragnar! (This series is based off the real life vikings that lived and voyaged.. Ragnar Lothbrok was a real person! Let's hope he was as good looking as Travis!)
3 Chris Hemsworth
Age: 31
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Status: Married
Another Aussie hottie is just what my heart needs! And let's not forget that he was People Magazine's Hottest Man Alive of 2014. Agreed, agreed, agreed. Mr. Thor wins my vote at my favourite superhero because, I mean, look at him.. Blond hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and another man bun contestant! Those get me every time.. Mr. Hemsworth is sadly married with a baby but he's so adorable as a father that I'll let this one slide... I guess.
2 Ryan Gosling
Age: 34
Zodac Sign: Scorpio
Status: Taken
CANADIAN... Yes that makes him 100% hotter. We are proud to call this hottie our own and don't let ANYONE forget that. He can sing, play guitar, (is in a band called Dead Man's Bones) can play a bad ass, ladies man and basically any role he gets and can still have you sobbing because he isn't yours. Ryan Gosling has been a cutie since his Mickey Mouse Club days and doesn't that make him a little more attractive? I honestly don't know why he's holding a vodka bottle that is lit on fire but really who's looking at that? Sadly, Ryan is taken and has recently become a dad and this really upsets me because I wrote him 365 letters.. WHY DIDN'T YOU WRITE ME RYAN? WHY?
and my number 1 hottest hunk is...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1 Charlie Hunnam
Age: 34
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Status: *sigh..* Taken
If you know me, you already guessed that Charlie Hunnam was my number one from the beginning.. The FIRST Christian Grey (which I would have been lined up to see that movie a month before it came out if he was still taking on the role) and forever Jax Teller. You can't resist loving this guy no matter what you do. He is currently taken so sorry about that ladies but we do make such a cute couple.. (okay.. just kidding he has a girlfriend that ISN'T me.) He's the president of an MC, a criminal and a bad boy. A convict that can shoot a gun and make a good illegal business deal only make him ten times sexier am I right? If you don't think he's anything but perfect I suggest you watch one episode of Sons of Anarchy and try NOT to fall for him. But just remember that he's mine.. Good luck, darlin'.
Sorry, you've reached the end of the list.. until next year..
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